December Advancement

Congrats to all of our scouts earning Adventures this month. We have another Bobcat badge as well!

Wolf Den 5I. FlanneryBobcat 
Wolf Den 5A. GrycowskiCouncil Fire 
Wolf Den 5A. BookerCouncil Fire 
Wolf Den 5B. WilliamsonCouncil Fire 
Wolf Den 5C. EschCouncil Fire 
Wolf Den 5I. FlanneryCouncil Fire 
Wolf Den 5I. DuhnCouncil Fire 
Wolf Den 5N. RibbichCouncil Fire 
Wolf Den 5S. JacobsenCouncil Fire 
Wolf Den 5W. KochCouncil Fire 
Wolf Den 5I. FlanneryDuty to God Footsteps 
Wolf Den 5A. GrycowskiHowling at the Moon 
Wolf Den 5A. BookerHowling at the Moon 
Wolf Den 5B. WilliamsonHowling at the Moon 
Wolf Den 5C. EschHowling at the Moon 
Wolf Den 5I. FlanneryHowling at the Moon 
Wolf Den 5I. DuhnHowling at the Moon 
Wolf Den 5M. PersellsHowling at the Moon 
Wolf Den 5N. RibbichHowling at the Moon 
Wolf Den 5S. JacobsenHowling at the Moon 
Wolf Den 5W. KochHowling at the Moon 
Bear Den 1A. NotbohmCritter Care 
Bear Den 1A. NotbohmPaws for Action (Duty to Country) 
Bear Den 1C. ShimelPaws for Action (Duty to Country) 
Bear Den 1J. FankPaws for Action (Duty to Country) 
Bear Den 1J. La FrattaPaws for Action (Duty to Country) 
Bear Den 1J. KlawiterPaws for Action (Duty to Country) 
Webelos Den 2M. ClarkCast Iron Chef 
Webelos Den 2M. ClarkCastaway 
Webelos Den 2M. ClarkFirst Responder 
Webelos Den 2M. ClarkGame Design 
Webelos Den 2M. ClarkInto the Woods 
Webelos Den 3A. ClarkBuilding a Better World 
Webelos Den 3C. StocktonBuilding a Better World 
Webelos Den 3C. KerznarBuilding a Better World 
Webelos Den 3J. EdwardsBuilding a Better World 
Webelos Den 3K. JacobsenBuilding a Better World 
Webelos Den 3L. MagawBuilding a Better World 
Webelos Den 3P. HerbnerBuilding a Better World 
Webelos Den 3S. NabkeBuilding a Better World 
Webelos Den 3A. ClarkOutdoor Adventurer 
Webelos Den 3C. StocktonOutdoor Adventurer 
Webelos Den 3C. KerznarOutdoor Adventurer 
Webelos Den 3J. EdwardsOutdoor Adventurer 
Webelos Den 3L. MagawOutdoor Adventurer 
Webelos Den 3N. SchumacherOutdoor Adventurer 
Webelos Den 3P. HerbnerOutdoor Adventurer 
Webelos Den 3S. NabkeOutdoor Adventurer